What is CRM Software and Why is CRM Not Only About Software?

29 November 2021
Jason Bright

Rocketech has been working in the IT field since 2016. During this time, our specialists have developed and delivered dozens of turnkey projects for different business areas. We create complex solutions such as cloud SaaS systems, CRMs, blockchain apps, social platforms, apps for the Internet of things, websites, online stores, and marketplaces.

Today we will focus on a multifunctional CRM system. With its help, you can optimize database management and the delivery of content to consumers.

What is CRM Software? 

CRM system is a set of tools for e-commerce business. Customer relationship management has become a must-have for medium to large commercial enterprises. 

Basic functionality allows recording consumers and studying their needs, habits, and financial capabilities. The database contains all the critical information about users: phone numbers, e-mails, full names, and birth dates. The list is expanded as needed with additional cells and personalized information. 

This tool is an excellent analytical service for identifying customer needs and preferences. According to ZenDesk research, 80% of consumers prefer to work with companies that focus on collaborating with users and enhancing their digital experience.

Let’s figure out what CRM software is, considering the direct and hidden capabilities of the system in various areas of business: from industrial organizations to elite clothing or jewelry stores. 

CRM Software for Business: Digital Experience, Human Resource Management, and Sales Funnel in One Solution

ZenDesk research shows that 35% of companies needed to optimize customer relationship management in 2020. Their representatives said that the efficiency of the marketing strategy used before the Covid-19 pandemic has declined, although sales by competitors have remained the same. The analysis showed that the main reason for the decline in revenue was the poor digital experience of consumers.  Users did not receive the desired support due to poor communication (including with a CRM system).

Staff Management

Global digitalization has transferred almost all critical business processes to the cloud. Even offline stores now prefer to work with an extended database of their customers. For marketers, it has become a gold mine. Good targeting and creativity are now enough to realize the advertising potential, and the choice of tools allows professionals to do this in practice. Also, this system can improve both external (e-commerce) and internal (construction companies, organizations, production) management. So what is CRM software? It is not just a database with scheduler and autoresponder functions but a full-fledged set of work solutions.  

As an example, let’s look at our case study to create a convenient tool,  SmartBuilding,  for managing work processes and personnel.

Our team had the following tasks:

  • Transfer data from paper to the cloud.
  • Combine all information into one system.
  • Give the manager access to all employees and current projects.
  • Automate an access system to control every stage of construction work.

And we have implemented them by 101%:

  • We developed a complex CRM solution with priority functionality.
  • We created software for personnel control and implemented QR tags with access to information about an employee or an object.
  • We introduced a multi-level admission system that differentiates rights by profession and status.
  • We automated the registration of violations and the schedule of briefings and training.

As a result, in the customer’s company:

  • A convenient control panel appeared, available both on PCs and smartphones/tablets.
  • Training and permitting processes have been accelerated. 
  • The amount of routine work for managers has decreased.
  • Now it is possible to integrate with the systems of contractors and partners.

What is the conclusion? Intended for commerce, CRM software can also help organize the workflow in any company.

Digital Experience

A SalesForce study found that 78% of consumers expect good teamwork between different departments of an e-commerce business, but 59% of them face problems communicating with the store or marketplace representatives. This is due to poor optimization and failed implementation of customer relationship management into the overall system. Databases in each department are not synchronized, so employees of the enterprise see only their own information. Thus, the resolution of issues is delayed for a long time, testing the client’s patience for strength.

A complete and well-tuned CRM system allows you to combine user data in one database so that all store employees have access to it. In case of problems, they see all the information and provide qualified assistance based on it. In addition, you can implement an AI-based chatbot that will answer consumer questions and redirect them to a specialist in case of difficulties. A positive digital experience for customers makes them brand loyal, delivers organic ads, and boosts their average check.

Sales Funnel

Earlier, we said that CRM software has powerful analytical potential that allows you to build a product strategy of inbound marketing and personalized offers to a loyal audience. According to a HubSpot study, 70% of marketers are actively investing in content advertising. As practice shows, most users study digital content about a product before purchasing. Basically, CRM allows you to set up automatic mailings with targeted offers to customers from the database, but its functionality does not end there. Integration with social networks provides endless possibilities for analyzing target audiences by collecting statistics and reactions to certain content. 

The customer relationship management system stores all information about consumers, their purchases, views, products left in the cart, and other statistical data. After analyzing this information, you can simulate the so-called “sales funnel”, in which the users of the store will be placed by priority. The most active customers with a high average check will be located at the very top. 

CRM tools allow you to create personalized offers for each customer category. Unique marketing strategies are developed for different groups to increase conversion and attract an audience to your assortment. For example, if buyers use a resource and place orders actively, they can receive simple promotional offers on IP-selling and cross-selling. Inactive consumers demand an individual approach that literally pushes them to buy.

All strategies are implemented within one system since the CRM software allows you to group users and use filters. Clients move between them automatically, depending on the activity.

CRM as a Culture of Consumer Communication

Digital users need communication with employees of stores or marketplaces no less than real ones. They value their time and experience, so they prefer the most loyal e-commerce representatives. Most in-demand companies in the e-commerce market pay attention to the little things, collect essential data in the customer relationship management system, and quickly find common ground with them. LinkedIn reports that 65% of sales managers use CRM, and 47% of them do it several times a day, which confirms the efficiency of this tool for trading.

What does CRM software offer for communication:

  • Storing customer data.
  • Implementation of AI-based bots that provide operational support.
  • Creation of filters and categories to differentiate priority consumers from ordinary ones.
  • Setting up targeted marketing content with automatic delivery to users.

Attention to detail by the business increases brand value for the target audience, increasing conversion and ROI.

Improving Business Efficiency and Experience in Project Implementation by the Rocketech Team

Even large and strong businesses can be disadvantaged by competitors. They constantly introduce better technical stacks, attractive designs, improved digital user experiences, and a logical customer relationship management system. Our customers often want to equalize their capabilities with competitors, but we do our best to outstrip rivals. Check out these 2 projects in which we have improved our clients’ businesses and brought their resources to the next level.


The company needed to update the interface and implement tools for managing content and customer relationships. We developed a website layout with an administrative panel and cross-platform design and connected Google Analytics and Bitrix. 

As a result, Biella received modern functionality and a friendly UI. The outcome of the update was excellent: lead generation increased by 60%, and relations with consumers improved with the new CRM system, the tools of which made it possible to personalize offers and apply an individual approach to each client. You can find out more about the work performed in our case study.


A promising startup needed a web app with a user-friendly interface and advanced functionality for managers and users. We implemented an administrative panel and user account. Next, we introduced payment systems, automated payments, and sending applications. All this was done with our CRM system. 

As a result, QB got a modern work tool. Light and discreet design, convenient control logic, and automatic processing of applications increased business efficiency. As a result, the company received an advanced CRM that accelerated the work of managers and improved the user experience and resource functionality. You can find out more about the completed project in our case study


CRM is a multifunctional tool for customer relationship management, creating personalized mailings, or working with inbound marketing. Also, this system allows you to manage personnel and automate business processes in e-commerce and manufacturing.

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