How We Made Virtual Career Fairs Everytalent


Everytalent is a virtual job fair that helps young talents connect with companies for pre-training and organize meetings with potential employers. With testing tools, candidates can demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a particular area, increasing their chances of receiving a scholarship.
Frontend:React, Redux Toolkit, React Router, React Hook Form, Fetch API, Material-UI, SCSS
Backend:PHP, MySQL, Docker, CI/CD, AWS
Our role and company services
UI/UX Design, Web Development, DevOps, QA, Support

The challenge

The project's initiator is a founder we know well, with whom we cooperate on two products. They first approached us with the idea of creating the Everytale event management platform. So we became part of their core team of 25 people and successfully completed the tasks. Since then, we have kept in touch and are always open to new ideas.
One of them was the creation of the Everytalent product. It can be called a spin-off of Everytale since the tasks overlap in many ways. For us, the new project has become a valuable experience since it was necessary to implement the idea from scratch in a very limited time. We were required to develop an MVP in 2 months, carefully considering the functionality and integrating with Everytale.

Project management

Since we have collaborated with the client before, it was easier for us to organize the workflow and distribute tasks. However, last time our team joined the client's dev team after the start of development. This time, we had to implement the MVP within a limited time frame, which placed a lot of responsibility on Rocketech.

We brought in a team from another project. It consisted of two developers, one UI/UX designer, one Scrum master, one QA tester, one DevOps, and one Business Analyst. Scrum was the basis of a working framework to implement this product.

We divided the workflow into 3 iterations:

  1. Exploring the client's idea and journey, prioritizing features.
  2. Development of the first product version.
  3. Testing and making changes until the goal is achieved.

Iteration 1

Before moving on to development, we researched the idea, target audience, and competitive market. This data is the basis for building the customer journey and selecting the most valuable features for the user.

Completed tasks:

  • definition of the main task that the product should solve: increasing the chances of students for scholarships;
  • narrowing the target audience with a description of the portrait of an ideal client: a student interested in creating relationships with US companies;
  • analysis of competitors to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their products, the study of strategies and goals;
  • strategic planning using the USM to understand the problems of users and product flow;
  • evaluation of the product from the perspective of the consumer and the construction of a short, simple, and convenient user flow;
  • prioritization of functions (from key to secondary) based on user stories.

Iteration 2

The data obtained from the study helped us take a confident step to the next stage of MVP development. We used them during the development of the product's first version to increase its value for the user.

Completed tasks:

  • UI/UX design that conveys the idea of the product is understandable to users and visually attractive;
  • development of the MVP backend and API, integration with third-party platforms, including Everytale;
  • development of a fully functional client-side, implementation of all visual and interactive elements;
  • checking for technical flaws, ensuring scalability and security.

Iteration 3

Testing is an obligatory stage of MVP development aimed at collecting opinions about the product from interested users. We repeated the testing cycles until we got the perfect result, which was highly appreciated by the target audience.

Completed tasks:

  • alpha testing with the participation of a narrow group of consumers (within the team);
  • beta testing with real users and collecting feedback;
  • making changes to the product following the growing requirements of users until the ideal is achieved.
As a result, after two months, we received a working MVP and all the necessary supporting documentation. We managed to create a multifunctional product that is attractive to users regarding reliability, aesthetics, and convenience.

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Key features

Skills testing

This is one of the most critical functions that ensure a fair assessment of the candidate's skills and knowledge. The student can test their abilities and demonstrate the received score in the profile. High scores increase the chances of contacting the company and receiving a scholarship.


The skill-testing system provides a recommendation option. After passing the test, the candidate can analyze their weaknesses and potential vulnerabilities and receive recommendations on how to overcome them.

Matching skills and requirements

We have implemented an algorithm for matching applicants' personality with the requirements of companies. Thus, the candidate can find exactly those offers that are 100% consistent with his knowledge, skills, experience, and interests.

Virtual events

Access to virtual events empowers candidates and employers. At fairs, students and applicants can interact with companies from different industries (business and IT, healthcare, insurance, oil, and gas industry, etc.).

Broadcasting in 4K

We have provided uninterrupted quality of live broadcasts (4K) for viewers globally. And all thanks to the integration with the Everytale platform, which offers many opportunities for organizing events and supports 100.000+ participants simultaneously.

Convenience and interactivity

Participants can chat, answer polls, and use background filters during events. It is possible to move between several sessions (including breakout rooms) to be in touch with all company representatives.

Partners and users of the Everytalent platform

Our mission with Everytalent is to create equal opportunities for diverse young talent around the world to find the very best job for themselves while also helping corporations decrease their hiring budgets by up to 82%.

Valeriy Makovetskiy
CEO, Everytale


Release of the product within the agreed time frame (two months) with the participation of 7 specialists.
Consistent implementation of functions for candidates and companies: from mandatory to auxiliary.
Intuitive UI/UX design based on the visual style of Everytale's core project.
Integration with the Everytale virtual event platform and ensuring high-quality broadcasts.
A well-thought-out system for testing the knowledge and skills of candidates and recommendations for overcoming vulnerabilities.
A smart algorithm for matching the candidate's personality with the company's requirements.
Interactive features (chat, polls, background filters) which increase member engagement.
Convenient navigation between sessions, allowing students to attend multiple sessions & presentations.
Continuity of operation even in situations where the number of participants exceeds 100,000.

Talk to us!

Send us a message and we'll get in touch with you as soon as we can.
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