Rocketech Operations During the War

30 March 2022
Alexey Borisov
Co-Founder of Rocketech

For a month, the Rocketech Team has been trying to adjust to the horrifying impact of the unprovoked Russian military invasion of Ukraine. We are grateful for the understanding and support from our clients, partners, and friends.

With a significant part of our Team remaining in Ukraine, our first and foremost priority has been their safety and wellbeing. At the same time, we keep working on all current projects following our standard operating procedure and remaining the reliable partner to all our clients who stand with us for peace.

Emergency Operations Centre and Employee Support

From the outset of the crisis, Rocketech developed the emergency response plan to ensure communication and all possible support to our Team members and their families in Ukraine.

  • We created an internal emergency operations centre to help our Team members trapped close to the front line relocate to Western Ukraine, the Polish border, or Poland. It is a volunteer initiative of our colleagues located in safer areas of Ukraine or residing in other countries.
  • Our volunteers assist the Team members and their families in relocation, provide food and medical aid, and help colleagues and their relatives who remain in the hot spots.
  • We search for lost relatives, organise temporary homes for pets, and look for other ways to support our colleagues and their families close to the front line.
  • Through the internal fund, the company provides financial assistance to those who temporarily cannot work until they can get back to their regular work routines.
  • With the help of the Team members residing in other countries, we organised a network of people and organisations providing information and help in Poland, Hungary, Iceland, Austria, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, and Turkey.
  • We organised psychological help with professional counselling free for our Team and 24/7 volunteer support to fight anxiety and emotional distress.

Business Operations

Rocketech is withdrawing from the Russian market to end direct or indirect support for the aggressor country’s economy. We have completely stopped cooperation with Russian banks and companies – we no longer transfer money and accept payments.

We have discontinued all marketing and advertising operations targeting the Russian market. Among other things, we have withdrawn from the top-rated companies of the Russian market on Clutch and closed the company’s visibility to users from Russia in search results on the platform.


Currently, about forty of our colleagues remain on the territory of Ukraine. We contact each employee regularly to verify their location and safe conditions. From the 28th of February, we strategically reassigned the teams dedicated to all our projects to ensure that we fulfil all our contract obligations.

We had to adjust our recruiting strategy. Rocketech no longer considers applicants from Russia and Belarus as we do not support these countries’ economies. We, however, stand against any human discrimination and are willing to onboard new talents who make a decision to relocate to countries that do not support the war in Ukraine.

We value all our current employees, appreciate their professionalism and experience, and want to continue cooperation. In these complicated circumstances, we establish a dialogue with each employee from Russia and Belarus and discuss their personal and family situations to find solutions to keep them as our Team members.

Concluding Statements

We are shocked and deeply affected by the human tragedy of some of the darkest days in European history and condemn the military actions launched by the Russian armed forces in Ukraine. We are witnessing unprecedented and tragic events that will forever reshape the world.

In this new reality, we find it crucial to be united by the common principles and the company’s core values. At Rocketech, we are proud of our international and multi-language Team based on mutual respect, support, and trust. Having said that, we decry any bullying of Russian citizens who do not support their government’s actions. We stand against any act of aggression and discrimination on the ground of nationality.

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