How We Developed the Hoozin Mobile App for Event Creation and Management


Hoozin is a mobile app for iOS and Android designed for quick creation and flexible management of events. With it, every user can invite people from their contact list to events, as well as accept invitations from friends.


JavaScript, TypeScript, Nest.js, Node.js, Flutter (mobile/web), AWS, Docker, SendGrid, Twilio

Our role and company services

Mobile & Web Development, QA, DevOps, Support

The challenge

The client approached us to develop a mobile app for organizing events (paid and free). The idea of creating this IT product originated 12 years ago, but then the company refused to implement it due to a lack of access to the necessary technology.
When the company decided to release the app, its first step was to work with designers, the second was to turn to developers. Among all the options on the market, the client chose Rocketech because of our impressive industry experience. Since the design was already done, we had to dive into the idea quickly and implement it fast and for a limited budget.

Project management

In order to cover all tasks, we involved a business analyst, developers, and QA in the project. Given the client's requirements for speed and flexibility, we decided to build the work processes according to the classic Scrum methodology. Accordingly, we added another specialist to the team – a Scrum master.

The work consisted of three iterations:

  • creation of basic functionality for organizing events;
  • implementation of the backend and performing the necessary integrations;
  • testing and correction of bugs, launch, and support.

Iteration 1

The work began with a study of the project and its requirements. Based on the findings, we selected the most valuable features for the target users and proceeded to implement them in the app.

Completed tasks:

  • prioritizing functions for users interested in creating and managing events;
  • development of basic functionality for launching events and preparation of the foundation for its expansion;
  • implementation of an intuitive administrative panel for easy management of events;
  • creating the ability to send invitations to individuals and groups to participate in the event and see their reactions;
  • adding a calendar for easy selection/changing the date and time of an event;
  • implementation of a notification system to notify users about new invitations and planned events;
  • ensuring correct operation of the user interface and adaptation for iOS and Android users and various devices.

Iteration 2

Backend developers implemented the basic logic, adjusted algorithms, and ensured the functionality worked correctly. Integration was also performed to expand the product's capabilities in building communications and ticket payment.

Completed tasks:

  • programming the server part of the product and designing the database for reliable storage and processing of information;
  • optimization of event management through the administration panel and customization of user roles;
  • integration of various communication methods using Twilio programmable tools;
  • setting up email, SMS, push notifications, and transactional messages through the SendGrid cloud service;
  • implementation of PayPal as a fast and secure way to send/receive money for tickets to paid events.

Iteration 3

QA specialists checked the app for compliance with the initial requirements, after which the product was introduced to the target market. The collaboration continues: our team provides technical support monthly.
As a result, we developed a mobile app for comprehensive event management focused on iOS and Android users. We also localized it for the U.S. and Canadian markets and created the basis for further expansion and scaling.

Completed tasks:

  • functionality and usability testing for iOS and Android users;
  • testing in terms of compliance with the requirements of the audience from the U.S. and Canada;
  • security testing in terms of hacking policies, authorization and authentication, and data security;
  • compatibility tests with different devices of Android and iOS (for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac);
  • deployment on the server, publication of apps in Google Play and App Store;
  • assistance in finding and fixing technical problems with the product regularly.


In the process, the idea and the concept of the product were constantly evolving, but as a result, it was decided to create an event app. In this regard, there were frequent changes in the scope and many revisions.

For example, we originally planned to choose the payment gateway Stripe to pay for event tickets.

Later we decided to integrate with PayPal, as it offers more opportunities to enter new markets (it supports over 200 countries).

Thanks to the iterative approach to planning and execution of tasks, we were able to adapt to all the founder's decisions.

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Key features

Create event

This is the app's main function, which allows you to start new events in a matter of minutes. It is enough to enter the name, location, start/end date and time, total slots and add a brief description. It's possible to create any number of events

Edit event

The created event can be updated, for example, to change the date of the event. If the event is no longer relevant, it is easy to cancel it with one click. Also, in editing, we have provided the function Lock This Event.

Add members

When creating an event, it is possible to add participants from the displayed list of friends. These can be either individuals or entire groups. Here you can also delete participants. The maximum number of invited people is 1,000, but only 40 people can accept the invitation. If the organizer has a paid subscription, then there are no restrictions.


The calendar displays the events for the month. We ensured that users can monitor events created and scheduled for attendance in an intuitive format.


I have been working with Rocketech for 6+ months on the development of the Hoozin app. Rocketech has provided a skilled team and provided a great framework for maintaining accountability and progress. Now that our app has launched we continue to work with Ricketech for bug fixes and ongoing feature enhancements. I'm very pleased with this engagement and expect to continue working with Rocketech and likely growing the team going forward.

Josh Kline
CEO, Hoozin

All events

The user can view all the events in order of date and time. Each one contains information about the event's topic, the users who have already joined, and free slots.

Accepted and rejected/no response invitations

Another useful feature is dividing the entire list of invitations into accepted, rejected, or unanswered. This provides a more convenient and transparent user experience.


Our team tried to create a convenient notification system. The user receives notifications not only about new invitations but also about planned events that will start in the near future.

Admin panel

The app is suitable for corporate use. Its functionality is adapted to the requirements of business users responsible for planning, launching, and managing events.



contacts are possible to import from your smartphone


sent invitations to the event, of which 40 are available for acceptance for free




events done

amount of sent and accepted invitations to the event, if you subscribed


Development of a mobile app for popular mobile OS Android and iOS in 4 months.
Creation of functionality for organizing your own events as well as for planning participation in third-party events.
Implementation of the admin panel to start events, adding participants (groups), and monitoring your own and third-party events.
Setting up a system of notifications of new invitations and upcoming events.
Building a transparent communication system thanks to integrations with Twilio and SendGrid tools.
Connecting to the PayPal payment gateway for secure payment for tickets to paid events from 200+ countries.
Adaptation for iOS and Android users and localization for audiences in different countries.
Comprehensive testing and monthly technical support for the smooth operation of the app.

Talk to us!

Send us a message and we'll get in touch with you as soon as we can.
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